Registered Charity Number: 827103839RR0001
For the children in many houses, the weekend stretches out like a warm blanket filled with family, friends and fun. However, educators in Charlotte County will tell you there are children who hate to see the weekend come; their main fears are a loss of routine and a gnawing hunger.
In fact, over 25% of children in New Brunswick live in poverty and struggle with food security – they may get dinner this evening but don’t know for sure from where dinner will come.
During the week, their hunger is satiated through breakfast and lunch programs at school; however, the weekends are not longed for but feared as basic food needs are routinely unmet. One way that we can help is in the area of food security. In collaboration with educators, we have identified families with food security concerns. Schools work diligently at providing breakfast, lunch and snacks; but weekend food security remains a serious problem for many families. We are always seeking partnerships to help provide backpacks of ready-to-eat food for children on the weekend.